Tuesday, February 13, 2007

And Just for Good Measure

And, here we have a portion of the student dress code at Liberty University;

Standard of Dress for MEN
Hair and clothing styles related to a counterculture (as determined by the Student Affairs Deans' Review Committee) are not acceptable. Hair should be cut in such a way that it will not come over the ears, collar or eyebrows at any time. Ponytails for men are unacceptable. Facial hair should be neatly trimmed. Earrings and/or plugs are not permitted on or off campus, nor is body piercing. Questions concerning the standard of dress for men should be addressed to the Dean of Men's Office.

I guess Falwell's concept of Liberty would seem a bit strange to those who invented the word.


Fran / Blue Gal said...

'Scuse me, did somebody say "plugs"?

Are they banning "ear plugs"? "Butt plugs"? Who exactly is gonna do the inspections on that one?

A-hole inspections at Liberty University could take all semester, for crying out loud!

Welcome to the party, by the way. Very nice space you've got here. Congrats on the C&L mention. Yer blogrolled, babe.

Martin Olson said...

Haggard and Bachman's husband will be doing the ass inspection, but don't worry, they are 100% heterosexual. No misconduct I'm sure.